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Our customers love our product and love our service, it is what sets up apart. We love artificial grass testimonials. Without them, we couldn’t survive. Literally! Scroll through our testimonial posts, or before and after posts. You will notice several recurring themes.

Recurring Themes in Our Artificial Grass Testimonials


If you listen to any of our artificial grass testimonials, you will notice quality is a recurring theme. Our customers consistently speak to the type of products we use. We do the same. Read a few of our posts and you will notice rather quickly that we only use American-made products. We believe the quality is better, and the products are more trustworthy.

For instance, it’s hard to know exactly what’s inside an artificial grass product made overseas. Remember the hardwood flooring lumber scandal from just a few years ago.The hardwood flooring company sourced their products overseas and the over seas supplier did not adhere to the same quality standards. So while the flooring company advertised a quality product, they were inferior, and dangerous too. This is why we only use artificial grass made in the United States. We can go to the factory at anytime and see exactly what they are using to make our products.


This is another recurring theme in our artificial grass testimonials. Customers love the way we present ourselves and our company. We work hard to make sure our customers meet friendly, knowledgeable sales staff. Our installers are some of the best the industry offers. All of this speaks to the integrity and work ethic we demand from our work environment. We love every time a customer says they appreciate the professionalism Paradise Greens displays.


Look at our video testimonials and you’ll notice clients faces turn to surprise when asked about the installation process. Most of them have no idea how intensive it is. However, they are always impressed at how quickly our installers work. Furthermore, they love the fact that our installation crew shows up on time and completes the job accurately. This is really good news for us because it usually generates word-of-mouth referrals. Those are the type of leads you can’t buy. You earn those leads and we are proud to say we do it time and time again.

Want Your Own Testimonial?

Now it’s your turn. If watching our artificial grass testimonials has you curious, don’t hesitate. Contact Paradise Greens today and let us get to work on your green space. Seems like our customers think we know thing or two about artificial grass. Of course, we would say they are not wrong in that regard. However, we would love for you to contact us and see for yourself. We won’t disappoint and you might even get your own video testimonial! What have you got to lose?