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As the years go on, artificial turf fields gets talked about more and more. Whether it is a discussion about the positives or negatives behind implementing synthetic grass, it is nonetheless an active discourse happening all over the country. The overwhelming use of turf cannot be ignored. It continues to grow in more and more communities, neighborhoods, parks, and school yards.

Artificial Turf Fields: Schools Love Them

Schools in particular are warming to artificial turf fields.. Some schools claim it even boosts morale, because the children have more opportunity to play, and practice sports throughout the year. Schools, who usually have a hard time sticking to budgets can now put money previously used for field maintenance to better use in the classroom. One school in the article linked above, stated that they are even going to sell their riding lawn mower as a fundraiser because it hasn’t been touched since the artificial turf fields were installed.

Covering the asphalt used in some playgrounds and areas also lead to a higher standard of safety as well. There are less cuts and scrapes and overall injuries. Occasionally on artificial turf fields you will see a minor “turf burn” style scratch, but as the technology improves the rubber blades become softer and more natural this will also be a thing of the past.

Contact Paradise Greens to Green it Up!

Has your school looked into the trend that’s sweeping America? It should. Artificial turfs fields have amazing benefits and make everything better. No more watering, no fertilizing and no pesticides for one. Also, as we mentioned previously, think of the staff dollars you save. In addition, you are making a huge impact on water conservation.

So if artificial turf fields make sense than contact us! We can help you choose an artificial turf field that makes the most sense for your school. We have so many testimonials that back our products. Paradise Greens is a hit on Scottsdale, Glendale, Paradise Valley and beyond!